Many standard contracts to cover initial confidential discussions to contracting with a contractor/distributor/supplier/purchaser to purchase/supply/distribute systems (software, hardware and computer equipment generally) as well as testing/evaluation prior to contract and ongoing support; also fully managed systems procurement, installation, testing, commissioning and support as well as hosting and colocation of server and ongoing outsourcing or facilities management services to run the systems operation.
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Typical Terms and conditions for download and use of an “App” (application software) for any service or software from games to payroll. Lists permitted licensed usage and prohibited acts. Read moreRead more
This contract provides the terms and conditions under which a developer can test a new product in as near a live commercial environment as possible prior to general commercial release. The contract is with end-users (often existing customers) who are willing to use the product in their own work environment without the support of any warranty or liability from the developer and is willing to spend some time assessing the product in that live situation and reporting back to the developer. Read moreRead more
Copyright Permission-Use License
Simple agreement to give permission to use owner’s copyright material (eg for use of video footage, training, sales, support, development, product assembly instructions, etc). Read moreRead more
This Contract relates to the maintenance and support of, primarily, the hardware of a computer system and its terms included, an “Online Helpdesk” (where the customer can message problems and receive a reply via a support portal), additional options such as a “Telephone Hotline”, “on-site” and out-of-hours/weekend support for business critical equipment (e.g. servers). The contractor can also, if it has the capability, offer other premium support services such as guaranteed response times. Read moreRead more
Contract for the purchase and supply of computer hardware, the licensing or sublicensing of software; their installation and testing together as a system using customer’s acceptance tests and finally, their “bringing into service” with no payment due by the customer until the customer is satisfied. This Contract is drafted for the customer’s protection. Read moreRead more
Contract to give a company or end user an evaluation period during which it can use/test eg software or a new system prior to accepting and paying for it in full. Read moreRead more
This Contract is for the appointment of an independent third party manager with the skills to perform all necessary tasks to ensure proper, efficient and effective use, operation, management and support of new technologies and/or computer systems. Includes performance standards and service levels to be agreed with the manager, appointment of an independent third-party to advise on any disagreements and on termination, the orderly transfer back to the client or to a new manager of the services, equipment and staff. Read moreRead more
This contract provides for the appointment of a third party maintenance organization to provide end-user support for its product. It provides for “call control” and “fault-tracking” for the analysis and logging of all product faults and repairs and for “warranty” and “board” repairs on behalf of the supplier. Read moreRead more
Contract for the appointment by a supplier of a third party distributor, to market and (optionally) also support the supplier's goods or services, in a specific area in which the distributor has already established itself and has an existing customer base. It is drafted for the Distributor's benefit. Includes options for support and inclusion of dealers. Read moreRead more
Contract for the appointment by a supplier of a third party distributor, to market and (optionally) also support the supplier's goods or services, in a specific area (Territory) in which the distributor has already established itself and has an existing customer base. Includes options for support and inclusion of dealers. Read moreRead more
Proposal for work (Template)
Typical template for contractor to include its comprehensive “sales pitch” information and estimated costs to a prospective client/customer for any type of project. Read moreRead more
SaaS Agreement
Software as a service (“SaaS”) style contract for access to software on subscription basis. Includes support and hosting options. Read moreRead more
This Contract is drafted for the Supplier's benefit, and provides for standard terms of sale of hardware and incorporates a license for the software supplied with the system in the absence of any separate license agreement Read moreRead more
Statement of work (template)
Typical statement of work (SoW) template ready for detailed requirements for work or project to be carried out by the contractor, giving suggested headings for typical stages, work type, deliverables, timetable and milestones towards Go-live/roll-out/handover/
This Contract provides the licensee with software support. It includes a variety of support services, an ‘Online Helpdesk’ (where the customer can message software problems and receive a reply via a support portal), “Online Remote access” (where support staff can link to the customer’s computer) and perhaps additional options such as a “Telephone Hotline” and, as last resort, “on-site” support if the customer is willing to pay for a premium support service. Customers with business critical software may also request further additional premium support options which it will pay extra charges for including having support services outside normal working hours including weekends or 24x7 and/or request on-site support as well as a ‘Guaranteed Response times’ (i.e. the contractor’s guarantee that support calls are responded to within X hours of a fault report/call being made – see Contract 3B). Read moreRead more
For the coordination and supply of computer hardware, licensing/sublicensing of software; its installation & testing, “bringing into service” and handing over the System to the customer. Includes stage payments to the contractor such that the contractor receives regular payments eg upon delivery of the various parts of the system and payment for work carried out by the contractor on a regular basis (e.g. monthly) to minimise its risk. Read moreRead more