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The surest way of dispelling any ambiguity as to copyright ownership on an international basis is to express it in every manner possible—online, on websites, on disks, print-outs, manuals or any other material on whatever media. This section shows how to display the commonly used copyright legends for manuals/written documentation?owner’s software media (CD, DVDs, etc) and as screen display and?as used on 3rd party software. Read moreRead more



Copyright legislation goes a long way to aid the protection and enforcement of copyright owners’ rights. However, the only sure way of dispelling any ambiguity as to copyright ownership on an international basis is to express it in every manner possible—online, on websites, on disks, print-outs, manuals or any other material on whatever media. It is good practice so to do and will avoid unnecessary doubt and perhaps potential litigation at a later stage.

For free or semi-restricted rights to use what may otherwise have been copyright material, see Contracts 18. GNU OpenSource Licenses (General Public License), 19. Open Source Licenses (Creative Commons and “Sharelike” Licenses) and 20. BSD Licenses.