Anna Sharpe (LLB (Hons), LLM, Grad Dip App Corp Gov, ACIS, ASCA)
Australian Contributor
Anna is the principal of the law firm Sharpe Ivo, and is a respected transactional intellectual property, information technology and data protection lawyer. She appears in the Australian Financial Review’s lists of the Best Lawyers of Australia and is named as one of Australia’s Best Women Lawyers – IP in Doyle’s Guide to Best Australian Firms. She has been named in Chamber’s Global: The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business, AsiaLaw Leading Lawyers, and Who’s Who of Australian Women. Anna is the trademark law course coordinator & lecturer for the WIPO – Queensland University of Technology Masters of Intellectual Property Law program. She is on the Law Council of Australia’s Intellectual Property committee. Anna has been a Board member of various entities, including the Queensland Music Festival, the former National Procurement Board, and the Plant Breeder’s Rights advisory committee.” Prior to that Anna was a partner at Clayton Utz, Brisbane, Australia.
Publications: She is Author of Credit Acts Handbook (Law Book Company, 1986), co-author of Computer Contracts: Principles & Precedents – Computer Contracts Section (Butterworths). She has also published over 200 articles in professional and technical journals.